Rappelz Slayer Guide(Outdated due to lack of Slayer in my characters anymore.)

Slayer is the assassin class of rappelz,  similar to rogues from other games.
Slayer is the dual wielder you’ve always loved to play as he intimidates everyone with this high amount of offensive and defensive stats.I tried looking for drawbacks for whoever is going to play a slayer , but i simply couldnt at the given time , biggest drawback being they lack aoe , but with the release of 9.4 , slayers also get the level 5 booster which is an aoe that does tons of damage , something that this class needed.
Assassins are cappable of getting really tanky off building offensive stats , it’s not rare anymore to see slayers with amount of hp exceeding 100k and being able to do a lot in pve.
If this is not enough for you to be convinced, this class also offers a stealth mechanic , being the only class in the game with it , and having very little counter play if you are not expected.
Assassins build both p attack and m attack to maximize their hp , and they also go for as much attack speed as possible , without sacrifising the other 2.Therefore , dirks are currently the way to go for them as it offers more m attack , attack speed and a bit less p attack which can be compensated by the stats of the dirk or the awakening . Due to envenom they can also deal an extra 200% of their m attack on each of their attacks , making them a true beast in pve.
As for pw gears, most people go for the Phase blades skill , which gives an extra amount of damage,that being a very useful boost.
The slayer belt should be : 3x s5 sallies ( or 3x s1 ogres ) and s5 harpy+s5 unicorn OR 3x s1 mino and s5 naga + s5 harpy to get as much survivability and damage combined as possible.
With epic 10 on its way i can’t help but notice that slayers will be majorly buffed during that , the 2 extra belt slots can be used to get the extra accuracy you needed to stop missing, slayers seem to be very worthwhile if you are looking for a class to play during epic 10 , as they combine tankiness with abnormal amounts of damage ( especially If you are on the 959 attack speed plateau using dual dirks  with AI and phantasm)
Overall , slayer is a fun to play PVE class but can be rather expensive and rather hard to find good gears for as you d probably need acc/attack speed and m attack on every piece possible, while still getting the right skill.
Thanks for your time , any suggestions will be accepted, as i am still making my slayer in order to test things out and thereby make changes. Thanks for your time

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